

Tag: Rohingyas

Myanmar: MSF suspends medical activities in northern Rakhine state

The extreme escalation of conflict, indiscriminate violence, and severe restrictions on humanitarian access in northern Rakhine State, Myanmar, have forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend medical humanitarian activities in the townships of Rathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungdaw. MSF ran 14 mobile...

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Rohingya: Two crows, a banyan tree, and leaving a trace for the future

In the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is partnering with a Rohingya community to bear witness to the challenges, experiences and survival of Rohingya people. out on a wooden panel in...

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Bangladesh: MSF calls for an urgent and comprehensive response to the scabies outbreak in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps

Cox’s Bazar, 12 July, Wednesday - An outbreak of scabies, the skin disease, is affecting hundreds of thousands of Rohingya living in refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district, demanding an urgent response, says international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors...

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Bangladesh: Scabies outbreak worsens in Rohingya refugee camps; more action needed to bridge healthcare gaps

MSF teams in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh are overwhelmed by the ongoing outbreak of scabies and are calling on other health actors to take their responsibility. Ajmot Ullah is a 26-year-old Rohingya refugee living in the world’s...

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Rohingya refugee crisis: Two years on, no solutions in sight for the Rohingya

Sitting in a teashop in Kutupalong mega-camp, Bibi Jan tugs on her sleeve. She’s covering up scars inflicted during the largest-ever episode of violence against the Rohingya, in August 2017. She tells us of the events that forced her to...

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