Statements and Opinions
Syria: Multiple casualties from shelling on village in northwestern Syria
October 25, 2019 | Syria
South Sudan: “The only way to move around the hospital now is by boat”
October 25, 2019 | South Sudan
Press release
South Sudan: People stranded, cut off from care in severe flooding
October 21, 2019 | South Sudan
Press release
Northeast Syria: MSF forced to evacuate staff due to extreme volatility in the region
October 14, 2019 | Syria
Access campaignPress release
Access to medicines: MSF demands Johnson & Johnson reduce price of lifesaving TB drug
October 10, 2019 |
Press release
MSF calls for new price of anti-TB drug delamanid to be lowered and offered outside...
October 9, 2019 |
Project updates
DRC: Ebola response overshadows already fragile health system
October 9, 2019 | Democratic Republic of Congo
Access campaignProject updates
Access to medicines: 6 things Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know!
September 28, 2019 |
Press release
DRC ebola outbreak: Independent Ebola vaccination committee is needed to overcome lack of WHO transparency
September 23, 2019 | Democratic Republic of Congo
Access campaignStatements and Opinions
MSF urges PM Modi not to make any trade commitments to US threatening access to...
September 20, 2019 | IndiaUSA
Project updates
Rohingya refugee crisis: Healthcare for struggling refugee communities in Malaysia
September 20, 2019 | Malaysia
Syria: Beyond trauma injuries, one of Syria’s neglected health needs
September 18, 2019 | Syria