Refugee crisis


Tag: Refugee crisis

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan’s refugees in ‘humanitarian void’

Adré, Chad – June 27, 2024 - As the rainy season begins in Chad, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is significantly scaling up its activities in eastern Chad for refugees who fled the war in Sudan. Our teams have...

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Humanitarian corridors to evacuate migrants out of Libya needed

In June 2022, Médecins Sans Frontières called on European and North American governments, among others, to urgently offer protection to migrants trapped in Libya by strengthening existing exit mechanisms (via the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR...

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Need knows no difference between refugees and Sudanese host communities: This is Um Rakuba

Imagine the scene: a busy refugee camp in El Gedaref state, on the edge of eastern Sudan, close to the Ethiopian border. This is Um Rakuba, where people in desperate need of medical care wait patiently for their turn at...

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Sudan is facing a colossal man-made catastrophe; MSF calls for an urgent, rapid scale-up of the humanitarian response

After one year of war, the aid provided to millions of people is a drop in the ocean due to political blockages created by the warring parties and lack of action from the United Nations and international humanitarian organisations.In one...

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41 people died in shipwreck off Lampedusa

 By Juan Matías Gil, MSF Search and Rescue Representative“These kinds of tragedies are happening daily in the Mediterranean and at the European borders, right in front of everyone’s eyes. More and more people have been taking the sea to find refuge over...

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Bangladesh: MSF calls for an urgent and comprehensive response to the scabies outbreak in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps

Cox’s Bazar, 12 July, Wednesday - An outbreak of scabies, the skin disease, is affecting hundreds of thousands of Rohingya living in refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district, demanding an urgent response, says international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors...

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South Sudan: A crisis within a crisis as people fleeing conflict in Sudan struggle for survival

Juba, 22 June 2023 – Thousands of people who escaped the conflict in Sudan by crossing into South Sudan are now struggling for survival at transit centres in Upper Nile and Northern Bahr El Ghazal states, says international medical organisation...

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CAR: “Everyone arrives exhausted from Sudan, and many children are ill”

In recent weeks, thousands of people fleeing the conflict in Sudan have sought refuge in northern Central African Republic (CAR). Issa Moussa, deputy head of mission for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), is coordinating MSF’s emergency response in Birao. Moussa...

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“Returning to Haiti means death”

Haitian migrants risking their lives to flee conflict face still more dangers on the journey through Latin America Haitians seeking asylum in the United States continue to be at risk of being expelled and sent back to a country in...

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Renewal of Syria Cross-border resolution – MSF Flashquote

The decision of the United Nations Security Council to renew the cross-border aid mechanism from Turkey to Syria is absolutely vital and essential for people in northwest Syria. However, doing so for six months only is insufficient and concerning. A...

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Left to drown in the Southern European Border: One year of Geo Barents at sea

One year of operations in the Central Mediterranean have passed by, this time with the Geo Barents - Médecins Sans Frontières’ (MSF) vessel - rescuing 3,138 people and conducting 6,536 medical consultations before disembarking in a place of safety in...

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European leaders: Stop punishing asylum seekers on the Greek islands

Open letter by Dr Christos Christou, International President, Médecins Sans Frontières Dear European leaders I have just come back from the Greek islands, and I was shocked by what I saw and by the accounts I heard from my colleagues...

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