Tag: MSF

Morocco: Sharp Increase In Violence Against Migrants

RABAT, MOROCCO/ MADRID/NEW YORK, MARCH 14, 2013—Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa are suffering a sharp increase in violence at the hands of security forces in Morocco and at border areas, resulting in serious health problems, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors...

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India under pressure from Europe to sign off on trade deal that will harm access to medicines

DNP+, MSF urge India to reject EU demands before April deadline, protest at European Commission in Delhi New Delhi, 13 March 2013 – Pressure is mounting on India to quickly sign off on a free trade agreement which still contains...

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Bayer loses cancer drug patent appeal

MUMBAI: Patent regulatory authority, the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB), on Monday upheld the country's first compulsory licence issued to Hyderabad based Natco Pharma on Bayer's cancer drug Nexavar, setting an important legal precedent and paving the way for more...

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The road (more like dust-track!) thus far… – Alan de Lima Pereira

Name : Designation : Alan de Lima Pereira, a medical doctor, has worked with MSF in the state of Chhattisgarh in India, Abder Rafi in Ethiopia and Leer in South Sudan. He shares his experiences of these places. When I...

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EU-India trade deal could cut medicines lifeline for people in developing countries

Nearly 2,000 People Living with HIV Rally in Streets of Delhi as EU-India Summit Starts New Delhi, February 10, 2012—As India and the European Union (EU) meet for a summit in New Delhi today to iron out the differences over...

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Rotary International honors Doctors Without Borders

Médecins Sans Frontières, also known as Doctors Without Borders, has been given the honor in lieu of its services for the contributions in providing accessible healthcare to those in need The global humanitarian organization, Rotary International has presented its World...

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Humble start – Aravind Swaminathan

Name : Designation : © MSF Planning to work in an unaccustomed and entirely new context with security concerns is definitely not the first thought for any doctor soon after completing three strenuous years in post graduation. I was interested,...

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Afghanistan: MSF reopens Khost maternity hospital

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) has resumed medical activities at its maternity hospital in Khost Province, Afghanistan, which were suspended following an explosion in the hospital in April, 2012. 02/01/2013 The reopening follows the demonstration of strong support to...

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MSF condemns targeting of health workers in Pakistan

DECEMBER 20, 2012-Regardless of the parties or individuals responsible for the recent escalation of attacks against health workers in Pakistan, both patients and medical workers risk losing their lives while seeking or providing health care, the international organization Doctors Without...

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US: millions of people still waiting for medical ‘breakthroughs’ against neglected diseases

Despite important progress in research and development (R&D) for global health over the past decade, only a small fraction of new medicines developed between 2000 and 2011 were for the treatment of neglected diseases, highlighting the ‘fatal imbalance’ between global...

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Conference press release: Millions of patients still waiting for medical “Breakthroughs” against neglected diseases

Analysis of Health R&D Pipeline Shows Important Progress, but Significant Gaps in Innovation Remain NEW YORK, NY, DECEMBER 13, 2012—Despite important progress in research and development (R&D) for global health over the past decade, only a small fraction of new...

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Syria: Sick and wounded trapped in Deir Azzour

Paris, 12 December 2012 — Tens of thousands of people, many of them wounded, are trapped in the city of Deir Azzour, eastern Syria, due to intense fighting and aerial bombardments. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls for the sick and...

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