Tag: MSF

Democratic Republic of Congo: MSF continues with vaccinations and distributions despite volatile conditions

MSF vaccinates more than 26,000 children against measles and provides water and basic supplies to displaced persons Working in a highly volatile security context, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has vaccinated 26,125 children against measles in South Irumu in...

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Hamba kahle Tata Nelson Mandela: MSF pays tribute to "the greatest humanitarian"

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) extends heartfelt condolences to the Mandela family, South Africans and all those whose lives were touched by Nelson Mandela during his 95 years. His life was spent in the service of his fellow man...

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One Month After the Typhoon: MSF Supporting Central Philippines Health Systems

December 6, 2013: One month after Typhoon Haiyan, which killed 5,600 people and displaced more than four million according to official figures, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working in several locations on three islands in the Philippines to support...

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Central African Republic: Dozens Killed and Injured in Bangui Violence

MSF Teams Treating Scores of Wounded in City Hospitals BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, DECEMBER 5, 2013—Violent armed clashes in the Central African Republic (CAR) capital of Bangui early this morning caused dozens of casualties, including numerous deaths. Teams from the...

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Proposed shake-up to drug pricing framework risks middle-income countries paying more

Concerns over Global Fund-led changes to a model which enables affordable scale up of HIV treatment Geneva/New York, 2 December 2013 – Ahead of the Global Fund replenishment conference in Washington, DC this week, international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without...

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Philippines: Reaching out to isolated communities

December 5, 2013: The consequences of Typhoon Haiyan have been devastating in the regions of Leyte, Samar and Panay, but the plight of the population in the rural and isolated areas of these islands has often gone unreported. Reaching out...

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Grow despite a difficult birth

Name : © Mario Travaini / MSF Designation : The story of a premature baby in Syria. “I was the only midwife on the day Sedra’s* mother came to MSF’s hospital in Syria,” says Amanda Godballe, a Danish midwife working...

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Dadaab: Agreement on refugee repatriation should not affect aid delivery, says MSF

Four in five refugees in the camps at Dadaab do not want to return to Somalia given the current climate of insecurity, finds an MSF assessment November 28, 2013: An agreement to begin the voluntary repatriation of Somalis from Kenya...

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Another Day for an MSF Hospital in Syria

“Yes, I think many injured will be coming now.... perhaps we’d better call the surgeon.” “Good idea,” I say after some time. It sounds stupid. I cannot think of a better reply. These were the words spoken by my assistant...

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Doctors Without Borders inspired me to do more – Zahid Shafi Ansari

Name : Designation : In May this year Dr Zahid Shafi Ansari was in a remote region in Chad, Africa offering his services in a village where the reach of healthcare is limited. This is his experience on assignment with...

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Philippines: MSF reaching remote areas still in need of aid

Despite increasing humanitarian aid in typhoon-hit areas of the Philippines, MSF teams are still finding villages and towns that have not yet received any aid. MSF’s teams are working in hospitals, running mobile clinics, providing mental healthcare, distributing essential relief...

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Central African Republic: New Fighting Adds to Massive Crisis

SF Renews Call for Increased Humanitarian Response to Ongoing Crisis  New York, November 26, 2013—A massive humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic (CAR) is growing even more severe, as fighting and threats against civilians near the town of Bouca...

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