

Tag: Malnutrition

Sudan: Fleeing conflict, hundreds of thousands face hardship and disease in overcrowded camps in White Nile State

26 July, 2023 - More than 140,000 people, mostly South Sudanese women and children fleeing from Khartoum, have newly arrived in White Nile state since conflict broke out in Sudan and are now facing huge unmet needs for food, shelter,...

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Brazil: MSF responds to indigenous health crisis in the Amazon

The vast area of the Amazon Basin has always presented a challenge when it comes to providing healthcare to the Indigenous people who live there. But in recent years, the complexity has increased, as an absence of measures to protect...

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Helping tackle malnutrition and malaria in Angola

Malnutrition and malaria are common in remote communities in Angola, especially during peaks of drought and heavy rain. Women and their children are most affected. For the last year, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has collaborated with local health...

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Ethiopia: MSF calls for immediate resumption of food distribution

Addis Ababa, 06 July, 2023 – As malnutrition rates surge beyond emergency levels in many areas of Ethiopia, international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) calls for the immediate resumption of food distributions which were suspended across Ethiopia...

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Nigeria: MSF raises alarm over escalating malnutrition crisis in northwest

Abuja, 03 July 2023 – A malnutrition crisis is escalating in northwest Nigeria, prompting international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to reinforce its activities while warning that the current humanitarian response is insufficient to avert a potential...

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Nigeria: MSF raises alarm over escalating malnutrition crisis in the northwest

Abuja, 03 July 2023 – A malnutrition crisis is escalating in northwest Nigeria, prompting international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) to reinforce its activities while warning that the current humanitarian response is insufficient to avert a potential...

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Vaccination campaign for Sudanese refugees in Koufroun, Chad

Since the resumption of the conflict in Sudan, around 30,000 people have fled to Chad according to the UNHCR. Médecins Sans Frontières is carrying out a vaccination campaign to protect children against measles in temporary camps set up at the...

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Madagascar: Struggling To Survive A Triple Crisis

In Madagascar, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams are witnessing an alarming rate of malnutrition in southeastern districts where families are dealing with a triple crisis of food insecurity, malaria, and extreme weather events. Between January and April over 1,200 children...

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Kenya: Record admissions at MSF hospital in Dagahaley, Dadaab, as humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate

Hospital admissions of children suffering from severe malnutrition have spiked in Dagahaley, one of three refugee camps in the Dadaab refugee complex, amid worsening humanitarian conditions in the overcrowded camps, says Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). In 2022, MSF treated a...

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“We see children dying on the way to our clinics”: MSF Country Representative in Nigeria

Dr. Simba Tirima, MSF Country Representative in Nigeria:  The past few months have been incredibly difficult for the people of northwest Nigeria and our teams have seen unprecedented high numbers of malnourished children in the medical facilities where we work...

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SOMALIA: Malnutrition Crisis in Baidoa First-person testimony Dr Asma Aweis

"We haven't had enough time between one disaster and another." Dr Asma Aweis Abdallah is the medical activity manager with Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Baidoa, Somalia. Here she describes the situation the team is responding to. The...

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Catastrophic malnutrition crisis in northwest Nigeria must be recognized

Abuja (27 September 2022): As the malnutrition crisis in northwest Nigeria continues at catastrophic levels, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is calling for the humanitarian community to respond to the emergency needs of people in the region, and for northwest Nigeria...

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