

Tag: India

National Doctors’ Day: “Treating the most vulnerable in the most critical situations”

Name : Designation : 1 July is observed in India as National Doctors’ Day. To mark the occasion we asked three MSFers how they became doctors, and what it means to be a doctor without borders.     Shazeer Majeed  As...

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MSF’s hepatitis C project in Uttar Pradesh: One year, 1,198 patients

In January 2017, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF), in collaboration with the National Health Mission in Uttar Pradesh, started a pilot hepatitis project in Meerut city. Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest Indian states and has an estimated...

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Uttar Pradesh: "Hepatitis C is more than a disease"

Name : Designation : Sevantee Ghosh, a medical doctor from Kolkata, has been working with MSF’s hepatitis C project in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, since January 2017. In this piece, she looks back on a year of treating hepatitis C. I...

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MSF: India’s decision to give Pfizer unmerited patent on lifesaving pneumonia vaccine limits access for children globally

At High Court of Delhi hearing tomorrow, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) will urge India to remain the “pharmacy of the developing world” and rethink decision that solidifies Pfizer monopoly on critical pneumonia vaccine New York/ New Delhi, November 20, 2017 —...

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Antibiotic Resistance: Drug-resistant infections are a looming challenge around the world

Since 2015, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been working on antibiotic resistance in collaboration with the health authorities in West Bengal, India. As the world discusses this growing challenge during the Antibiotic Awareness Week (November 12 to 18),...

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Delhi: “There needs to be a shift in the individual and in society to say no to violence”

Virginia Lee is a counsellor from Australia who recently spent seven months working as a mental health coordinator in a community clinic in Delhi. The clinic offers medical and psychological care to survivors of domestic and sexual violence Incidents of...

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Chhattisgarh: Medicine on the margins

How doctors take healthcare to people who would otherwise struggle to access it Nearly 400km south of Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, lies a town called Bijapur. It is the kind of town that now survives only as a memory...

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Indian patent office delivers major blow to affordable pneumonia vaccine hopes

Geneva/New York/New Delhi, 22 August 2017 – Hopes for improved access to an affordable pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) that safeguards both children and adults from pneumonia were dealt a major blow after the Indian patent office granted a patent to...

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Antibiotics: Handle with care

Name : Designation :   Imagine a world where a small finger prick can get fatally infected or an elective caesarean surgical wound fails to heal at all. One may immediately connect this with the pre-antibiotic era though some experts...

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Conflict tears into Kashmir’s mental health

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MSF scientific survey: 45% of Kashmiri population experiencing mental distress

Integrated and decentralised prevention, care and treatment programme urgently needed Jammu and Kashmir: Nearly 1.8 million adults (45% of the population) in the Kashmir Valley show symptoms of significant mental distress according to a comprehensive mental health survey conducted by...

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MSF opens treatment centre for survivors of sexual and gender based violence

Jahangirpuri (Delhi), November 5, 2015 – The international medical humanitarian organisation, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), inaugurated a treatment centre for survivors of sexual and gender based violence, today in New Delhi. MSF SGBV clinic located at Mahendra...

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