Syria: MSF mobile clinics bring care to the neglected region of east Ghouta
February 7, 2025After years of neglect, east Ghouta, a region located only 10 kilometres from Damascus, shows little signs of normalcy, the streets lined with the ruins of buildings are empty of the signs of life. The people here are struggling under...
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The non-renewal of the cross-border resolution by the United Nations Security Council is an inexcusable failure towards the Syrian people
August 8, 2023Amman/Jordan, 8 August, 2023 - The failure of the United Nations’ Security Council to renew the cross-border resolution safeguarding access to vital humanitarian aid for north-western Syria is inexcusable. People living in this area lost a vital way to receive...
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Between two fires: Danger and desperation in Syria’s Al-Hol camp
November 7, 2022Under the auspices of the global fight against the Islamic State (IS) group, exceptional policies have been implemented involving the indefinite and arbitrary detention of women, children and men in Al-Hol camp in northeast Syria. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on...
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A lost generation live in fear inside Syria’s Al-Hol camp
November 7, 2022Amsterdam/Al-Hol, Syria, 7 November 2022 - The deaths of two boys while awaiting approval for emergency medical care are just two of many tragic cases featured in a new report by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) that lays bare the cruelty...
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Renewal of Syria Cross-border resolution – MSF Flashquote
July 14, 2022The decision of the United Nations Security Council to renew the cross-border aid mechanism from Turkey to Syria is absolutely vital and essential for people in northwest Syria. However, doing so for six months only is insufficient and concerning. A...
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Access to healthcare in northwest Syria at risk over potential last border crossing closure
June 30, 2022Out of 4.4 million people living in northwest Syria, 4.1 million need humanitarian aid. More than 60 per cent are internally displaced people (IDPs). They will soon lose access to desperately needed humanitarian and medical aid, unless the UN cross-border...
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Northwest Syria: “Millions of people rely on humanitarian aid to survive”
July 9, 2021Muhammad Hassan and his family were displaced to a camp in northwest Syria when their house was destroyed by intense bombing in 2019. Muhammad was severely injured in the leg, forcing him to undergo a difficult surgery requiring the insertion...
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Millions of lives at stake if cross-border aid channels close in Syria
June 22, 2021Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to renew the cross-border resolution (UNSCR 2533), expiring on 10 July, for the provision of humanitarian aid into northwest Syria. More than 4 million people residing in this area,...
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Northeast Syria: MSF forced to evacuate staff due to extreme volatility in the region
October 14, 2019AMSTERDAM/NORTHEAST SYRIA - Following the launch of Turkish military operations and the extremely volatile situation in northeast Syria, Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has taken the difficult decision to suspend the majority of our activities and evacuate all our international staff...
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Syria: Beyond trauma injuries, one of Syria’s neglected health needs
September 18, 2019Bombing, shelling and fear have escalated over the past months in Idlib governorate (northwest Syria), and nobody escapes the effects entirely. But for some people, additional health issues make life even more challenging. There are also people willing to make...
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