Tag: MSF

Antibiotic Resistance: Drug-resistant infections are a looming challenge around the world

Since 2015, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been working on antibiotic resistance in collaboration with the health authorities in West Bengal, India. As the world discusses this growing challenge during the Antibiotic Awareness Week (November 12 to 18),...

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Chhattisgarh: Medicine on the margins

How doctors take healthcare to people who would otherwise struggle to access it Nearly 400km south of Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, lies a town called Bijapur. It is the kind of town that now survives only as a memory...

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Antibiotics: Handle with care

Name : Designation :   Imagine a world where a small finger prick can get fatally infected or an elective caesarean surgical wound fails to heal at all. One may immediately connect this with the pre-antibiotic era though some experts...

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Médecins Sans Frontières raises awareness on violence against women

Delhi, 8 December 2016: The international medical humanitarian organisation- Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) organised an awareness-raising event on violence against women for the women and girls from the Jahangirpuri community today. Participating in support of the 16 days of...

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Mumbai: A new life with new tuberculosis drugs

Increasingly drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis (TB) are on the rise in India, particularly in hotspots such as Mumbai. Two new TB drugs, bedaquiline and delaminid, show promising results and offer renewed hope to patients whose TB strains are resistant to...

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India: Renewed hope with new drugs

Two new drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, are proving to be the very last lifeline for tuberculosis (TB) patients with the most extreme forms of drug resistance. While a few patients benefit from these new drugs in India, many die before being able...

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Going the extra mile

Name : Designation : What does it take to deliver healthcare to a neglected population in a remote region? Dr Ram Kovelamudi, working with MSF in Bhadrachalam, Telangana, explains. I have worked as a doctor in different settings before. But...

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Making childbirth safe for women in Chhattisgarh

Name : Frank Aalderinks Designation : In the MSF Mother and Child Health Centre in Bijapur town of Chhattisgarh, MSF doctors give medical check-up to the baby who was born pre-maturely. Copyright: P.K.Lee   Lalita shares her room in the...

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MSF, ITPC and DNP+ calls for scale-up of ‘viral load’ monitoring to improve HIV treatment outcomes in developing countries (and India)

“In India, over half a million people living with HIV are on treatment but the best tool to monitor their treatment – the viral load test - is not easily accessible and available. Access to viral load testing is strictly...

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Philippines: "Roofless, Homeless, but Not Hopeless"

December 10, 2013: One month after Typhoon Haiyan swept through the central Philippines, Filipinos are starting to rebuild their homes and lives, says Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) emergency coordinator Ibrahim Younis. But while people in cities are receiving assistance,...

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Central African Republic: Killings and Threats in Hospitals Must Stop

New York/Paris, December 9, 2013—After deadly attacks and threats inside hospitals in the Central African Republic capital of Bangui, the international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today called on all parties to the conflict to allow...

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Central African Republic: Hundreds Wounded and Thousands Displaced in Bangui

DECEMBER 7, 2013—Following violence in Bangui on December 5, hundreds of people are wounded, and thousands have fled, regrouping in several sites around the city. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is expanding activities to continue to treat the wounded...

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