MSF in Meerut


Tag: MSF in Meerut

Uttar Pradesh: MSF observes World Hepatitis Day in Meerut

Meerut: The international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders /Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) today observed World Hepatitis Day at the PL Sharma District Hospital in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh where MSF runs a pilot project for the treatment of Hepatitis C...

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Providing medical care for hepatitis C in Meerut

What We Do MSF implements a pilot project in Meerut in collaboration with the National Health Mission (NHM), Uttar Pradesh. The project aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of decentralised and simplified hepatitis C treatment and care by providing free testing,...

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Why is hepatitis C an invisible emergency in India?

It is estimated that 71 million people have chronic hepatitis C infection globally and India accounts for approximately 17 percent of the total number of cases recorded. Once in the body, the hepatitis C virus attacks the liver and if...

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Uttar Pradesh: "Hepatitis C is more than a disease"

Name : Designation : Sevantee Ghosh, a medical doctor from Kolkata, has been working with MSF’s hepatitis C project in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, since January 2017. In this piece, she looks back on a year of treating hepatitis C. I...

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MSF’s hepatitis C project in Uttar Pradesh: One year, 1,198 patients

In January 2017, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF), in collaboration with the National Health Mission in Uttar Pradesh, started a pilot hepatitis project in Meerut city. Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest Indian states and has an estimated...

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