

Tag: Floods

Kenya: Raging floods raise the risk of cholera and malaria

Raging floods have hit Kenya, killing nearly 200 people and displacing tens of thousands in Nairobi and other parts of the country, as heavy rainfall continues to batter the country since March. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams in Kenya started...

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“We have lost everything, but I am very strong”: MSF works in shelter with vulnerable victims of disastrous floods in the south of Brazil

A boy named Joaquim runs restlessly among toys spread on the classroom’s floor. There are colorful posters displayed on the walls, but it’s not a class day, and Joaquim is not a student here, either. Desks in this classroom in...

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South Sudan: Communities prepare for renewed flooding ahead of rainy season

In a parched landscape, an MSF tractor roars as it approaches a small village in Dentiuk, in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state. It is towing a trailer to which a creaking wooden canoe is strapped. “Are you sure we are...

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One year on: Soaring needs in Twic County, South Sudan

Under the shadow of a tree, a group is gathering, exchanging greetings. Peter, a mental health counsellor for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Margaret Abuk, MSF health promoter, are conducting an awareness and educational session for a group of overfifty...

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Pakistan: Flood emergency is far from over

Sindh, Pakistan: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, is seeing alarmingly high numbers of patients with malaria and children with malnutrition among flood-affected communities it assists in Sindh and eastern Balochistan provinces, Pakistan.Catastrophic flooding began in...

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Catastrophic floods cause mass displacement and an escalating humanitarian crisis in South Sudan

A small makeshift raft made from plastic sheeting and filled with dry grass is drifting along the Nile River’s current, on it sits an entire family of eight – the youngest just a baby. Where they will end up is...

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Pakistan: People are unable to return home and major health concerns remain months after the flooding

In has been more than three months since devastating floods caused vast damage across Pakistan and displaced millions, but only in recent weeks have waters started to recede and people been able to return home. Those returning to their villages...

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Bangladesh: Poor water and sanitation services expose Rohingya community to disease

A recent assessment by MSF in the refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, shows that five years since the acute emergency phase of the response to support Rohingya refugees in 2017, the water and sanitarian situation in the camps is...

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Work in Pakistan (Flood Response)

Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is hiring multiple profiles for its flood response in Pakistan.Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Pakistan is looking for the following potential profiles (Pakistani Nationals Only) in various locations for its flood emergency response activities...

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Pakistan: “These floods will likely affect the population for months”

Monsoon rains have plagued Pakistan for months and have become yet more intense in recent weeks, causing widespread damage in much of the country, increased by global warming and the melting of glaciers. Millions of people have lost their homes...

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A first person account of devastating floods in Pakistan

Shahid Abdullah, MSF’s emergency field coordinator in Balochistan describes the situation on the ground in flood-affected areas. People are sitting alongside the main road, and you can see that many of them have already received help. They have, among other...

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South Sudan: “The only way to move around the hospital now is by boat”

MSF medical team leader Benedetta Capelli is just back from Pibor, in South Sudan, where rising floodwaters have engulfed MSF’s hospital and much of the surrounding area. She describes what she saw on the ground. Our hospital in Pibor is on the outskirts...

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