

Tag: Europe

Urgent call for Europe to improve treatment access for tuberculosis: Many TB medicines and formulations accessible in lower- and middle-income countries remain unaffordable or unavailable in Europe

Berlin, 6 June 2024: As the World Health Organization (WHO) concluded a meeting with European health officials and civil society to improve access to tuberculosis (TB) medicines in the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA), Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders...

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Discriminatory and cruel migration practices compounding people’s suffering in Lithuania

Vulnerable migrants and people seeking asylum who are held in prolonged detention in Lithuania are consequently experiencing an alarming deterioration in their mental health. The Lithuanian authorities’ flawed migration practices and legal processes are further discriminating against certain nationalities, and...

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COVID-19: MSF steps up COVID-19 response in Europe

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has expanded activities in response to COVID-19  in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, France, Norway, Greece and Belgium. Our teams are supporting nursing homes for the elderly, assisting other vulnerable people, such as the homeless and...

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Mediterranean migration: Europe must act now to end preventable deaths in Libya and at sea

Op-ed by Dr Joanne Liu, International President On 25 July, tragedy once again hit the Mediterranean. An estimated 150 people drowned whilst fleeing Libya. It brings this year’s toll in the Central Mediterranean Sea to at least 576 people. This...

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