Yemen: Catastrophe unfolding in Aden’s only COVID-19 treatment centre
May 21, 2020The number of deaths occurring in the COVID-19 treatment centre that MSF runs in Aden, Yemen, speaks to a wider catastrophe unfolding in the city. The UN and donor states need to do more urgently to help the response. The centre that MSF runs...
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Five things we can do to protect people on the move during COVID-19
May 18, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic is disproportionately impacting the world’s most vulnerable. Among them are more than 70 million forcibly displaced people worldwide – refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people (IDPs) – as well as migrant workers, including undocumented migrants. Many of these men,...
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Jammu and Kashmir: Pre-existing mental health needs, Kashmir and COVID-19
May 8, 2020Ajaz Ahmad Sofi, Clinical Psychologist at MSF mental health care project in Jammu and Kashmir writes how our teams are working to meet a huge need for psychological support in the valley. "Complaints related to mental health are not new...
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Three ways to cope with stress and anxiety during an epidemic
May 8, 2020Are you in self-isolation? Is your mind surrounded by information related to the epidemic/pandemic? In difficult times, like during a pandemic, many people start feeling stressed, anxious and have other overwhelming emotions. MSF Psychologist Sharika Amin offers three ways to...
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Bangladesh: Five challenges for the Rohingya in Bangladesh amid COVID-19
May 6, 2020One of the most densely populated countries in the world, Bangladesh also houses the world’s largest refugee camp. Across Cox’s Bazar, nearly one million Rohingya refugees live in overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. As COVID-19 spreads through Bangladesh, these are the five key challenges to overcome. 1. Highly...
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USA: MSF demands US ends deportations to stop COVID-19 spread to fragile health systems
May 4, 2020MEXICO CITY/NEW YORK – The United States government must suspend all deportations to Latin America and the Caribbean, a process that is moving people from the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States to lower transmission countries and which will exacerbate a...
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Overwhelming, lonely, stressful – life in a COVID-19 unit in Geneva
April 27, 2020Kathrine Zimmerman is a nurse who has worked in intensive care units at the Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG), the university teaching hospital in Geneva, Switzerland. For 10 years, she completed humanitarian missions in Africa, Central America and Switzerland. She currently...
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Out of view, but not out of mind: MSF’s response to COVID-19 in care homes
April 24, 2020The COVID-19 pandemic cannot be said to have gone unnoticed as it crashes around the globe. But in the places it has hit hardest, the virus has made its way silently into all corners of society’s fabric. And it has taken one...
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Palestine: Like a virus, violence spreads in the West Bank amid COVID-19
April 23, 2020A full lockdown has been in place in the West Bank for more than three weeks, with over 300 people confirmed to have COVID-19 in Palestine. The harshness of these security measures, intended to prevent the virus from spreading further, is impacting the...
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A race against the pandemic – MSF COVID-19 crisis update
April 23, 2020MSF teams are racing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in the more than 70 countries in which we run programmes, while opening projects in new countries as they become pandemic hotspots. Our COVID-19 response focuses on three main priorities: supporting health authorities...
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Syria: Concerns mount over COVID-19 response in northeast Syria
April 22, 2020AMSTERDAM/NORTHEAST SYRIA — As the first reported death from COVID-19 is confirmed in northeast Syria, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is concerned about the region’s preparedness and capacity to respond to an outbreak. A weakened health system, delays in testing and border closures...
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COVID-19: We need your support
April 22, 2020Our emergency teams are experts at fighting disease outbreaks. With your support, we can help save the lives of people battling COVID-19. Right now, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is providing urgently needed medical care and support in more than 70 countries...
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