

Tag: Conflict

Sudan: “We are still hearing gunfire from our compound as I speak”

Cyrus Paye, MSF Project Coordinator, describes the situation in North DarfurSince Saturday, April 15, intense fighting has been taking place between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Khartoum and other parts of Sudan. Many...

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Sudan: “The hospital is rapidly running out of medical supplies to treat survivors”

Dr Ghazali Babiker, country director for MSF in Sudan, shares his account of the current humanitarian emergency.Everywhere in the country, and especially in Khartoum, Darfur, North Kordofan and Gedaref states, our teams face serious challenges. Our premises in Nyala, South...

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Afghanistan: “It is difficult to know that we are something less”

The future of female patients and health workers in Afghanistan is being threatened by the recent decree issued by the Ministry of Economy prohibiting women from working for non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Though health workers, including MSF staff, are currently exempted...

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Displaced communities are losing hope as the M23 crisis drags on in North Kivu

“The whole family was in the field working when the shooting started. We ran away and walked for three hours to Rumangabo in the rain," says Ponsie Benda, 54. The father of 13 found refuge in Virunga National Park’s primary...

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Ukraine: How MSF is trying to access areas most affected by fighting

While the number of deaths and injuries rises in Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of people seek refuge in neighbouring countries, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working to get staff and equipment into areas most affected by the Russian...

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Jordan: MSF ends intervention for Syrian refugees in northern Jordan

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has ended one of its largest interventions responding to the health and humanitarian needs of Syrian refugees in Jordan. Our response to the Syrian refugee crises in Jordan started in 2013, through an emergency surgical hospital...

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War and conflict: Counter terrorism “adds salt to the wound” in providing medical care in conflict

Twenty years after the start of the so-called global ‘War on Terror’ [1], counter-terrorism policies and their consequences are rendering the provision of impartial medical care more dangerous and difficult. Humanitarian workers and groups must be given exemptions from counter-terrorism measures....

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Adding salt to the wound: Counter-terrorism and healthcare

It has been 50 years since Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) launched our medical humanitarian work and 20 years since the start of the ‘Global War on Terror’. In those 20 years, counter-terrorism has come to define military operations...

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Afghanistan: Amid uncertainty, hospitals are still full in the country

After the rapid transfer of power in Afghanistan there has been a big shift in the health context. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) continues to run medical activities in five provinces. Below two medical staff working in Lashkar Gah and Khost...

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Yemen: Seeking healthcare in Taiz, a city split by a frontline

“The constant fear and the feeling of being close to death is horrific,” says Wafa Muhammad Abdullah. “We have been bombarded with shells. A shell once hit my sister and injured one of her eyes. I can never forget seeing...

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Afghanistan: Medical needs urgent as ever in Afghanistan after Taliban takeover

Last week, after weeks of intense fighting, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA, also known as the Taliban) entered the city of Kabul as the government collapsed. The IEA declared war over and assumed control over the country. While many...

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South Sudan: The long walk for new life

This month, South Sudan – the world's youngest country – marks its tenth birthday. In 2019, illustrator Ella Baron visited the town of Pibor to document the lengths that some mothers must go to reach maternity care in this part...

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