Cholera outbreak


Tag: Cholera outbreak

Yemen: Addressing acute watery diarrhoea

Twenty out of Yemen’s 22 governorates have seen a surge in the number of people with acute watery diarrhoea, as more than 63,000 cases have been reported in the country as of 31 May, according to health authorities. Despite the...

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DRC: Emergency response against cholera in the territory of Rutshuru

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) / Doctors Without Borders teams have been mobilised urgently in the territory of Rutshuru, in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in response to an outbreak of suspected cases of cholera, particularly in the...

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Why is cholera killing hundreds across the Horn of Africa when it is so preventable?

Cholera outbreaks are occurring with increasing frequency, and lasting for longer, across Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia. Tetiana Gaviuk, communications manager of the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) questions in this piece why the death toll from...

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