access to healthcare


Tag: access to healthcare

Pharmaceutical corporation ViiV must improve its failing access strategy for lifesaving HIV prevention drug

With affordable generics likely years away, ViiV must make information public on supply of long-acting cabotegravir and global distribution plan to ensure access for people in high HIV burden low- and middle-income countries Geneva, 30 March 2023 – Today Médecins...

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Malawi: Managing cervical cancer in a country with limited treatment options

Cervical cancer accounts for 37 per cent of new cancers in women in Malawi. Since 2018, MSF has been working to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer and bring down deaths from the disease in the districts of Blantyre and...

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Closed centres for refugees arriving on the Greek islands: one year later, “everyone is suffering from psychological distress”

Trying to see a doctor; getting hold of insulin treatment for diabetes; seeking legal advice prior to an asylum interview. All of these are a challenge for the refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers stuck in the isolated and highly securitised Zervou...

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MSF fights chronic kidney disease in southern Guatemala

Three years ago, Salomón discovered he was seriously ill with kidney disease. This happened after he was bitten by a snake in a sugarcane field during the zafra - as the sugarcane harvest period is commonly known - in the...

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