MSF warns governments are failing to test, treat and prevent TB in children
November 14, 2023Governments must immediately implement the latest WHO guidelines to stop children from dying from this deadly yet curable disease Geneva, 14 November 2023 - Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) welcomed the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ‘Roadmap towards ending TB in...
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MSF responds to groundbreaking news that Johnson & Johnson will not enforce patents on key TB drug bedaquiline in low- and middle-income countries
September 30, 202330 September 2023, Geneva Christophe Perrin, TB Advocacy Pharmacist, MSF Access Campaign: “We welcome Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) announcement finally paving the way for unfettered access to affordable generic versions of bedaquiline for all people living with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) who need...
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MSF South Asia Health and Humanity Summit: Partnering to build better responses during emergencies
August 17, 202317 August 2023, New Delhi: Setting the agenda for a paradigm shift in health and humanitarian considerations during emergencies, especially in South and Southeast Asia, over 15 practitioners, thought leaders, artists, and over 300 attendees from the social impact space...
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Khartoum: Lack of essential visas for MSF staff threatens life-saving care in hospital
August 10, 2023Without visas being urgently granted by the Sudanese authorities, MSF may soon be forced to withdraw its support to the Turkish Hospital in Khartoum. Visa applications for emergency staff – including surgeons, nurses, and other specialists – have been pending for...
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The non-renewal of the cross-border resolution by the United Nations Security Council is an inexcusable failure towards the Syrian people
August 8, 2023Amman/Jordan, 8 August, 2023 - The failure of the United Nations’ Security Council to renew the cross-border resolution safeguarding access to vital humanitarian aid for north-western Syria is inexcusable. People living in this area lost a vital way to receive...
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Malawi: “In 2001, when the counsellor said ART could prolong my life, I thought it would be two to three years but here I am, 22 years later”
August 7, 2023In July 2023, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) closed the chapter on one of its longest standing projects in Malawi, launched some 25 years ago in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The MSF Saturday Teen Club in Chiradzulu on 7 March 2020...
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“I saw many corpses on my way” – Stories from the massive influx of wounded Sudanese in eastern Chad
August 3, 2023By the time the current conflict in Sudan broke out in mid-April, its Darfur region had already been facing war and ethnic violence for over two decades. Today’s fighting – which first erupted in Khartoum between the Sudanese Armed Forces...
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South Sudan: Communities prepare for renewed flooding ahead of rainy season
August 1, 2023In a parched landscape, an MSF tractor roars as it approaches a small village in Dentiuk, in South Sudan’s Upper Nile state. It is towing a trailer to which a creaking wooden canoe is strapped. “Are you sure we are...
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Transforming lives in Mozambique: surgical treatment for patients with neglected diseases in Mogovolas district
July 25, 2023Nampula, July 21 , 2023 – Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is collaborating with the District Services of Health, Women and Social Action in Mogovolas and the Provincial Services in Nampula, Mozambique, to deliver surgical treatment for hydrocele, one...
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Extreme violence in Las Anod forces MSF to close activities
July 25, 2023Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has reached the difficult decision to withdraw our services from Las Anod General Hospital, Sool region, located within the internationally-recognised borders of Somalia,* due to increased volatility and repeated security incidents which have impacted the safe...
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Gavi must do more as WHO/UNICEF estimates show slow childhood vaccination recovery
July 19, 2023Gavi should waive co-financing requirements for countries with fragile health systems or in humanitarian crises.Geneva, 18 July, 2023 — Today, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) again called on Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance to broaden “catch-up” vaccine coverage for unprotected...
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CAR: MSF vaccinates thousands of children after arrival of refugees from Sudan
July 19, 2023This vaccination campaign against measles and other diseases is part of the emergency response launched by the medical organization in the town of Birao, in northern Central African Republic, where refugees from Sudan have been relocated. A Sudanese girl is...
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