Uttar Pradesh: MSF observes World Hepatitis Day in Meerut
MSF team observed World Hepatitis Day at the PL Sharma District Hospital in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh where MSF runs a pilot project for the treatment of Hepatitis C providing patients with free testing and treatment. MSF, along with National Health Mission, held a rally with patients treated at the clinic and staff to raise awareness about the disease.

Ukraine: Effective drugs and patient support to combat Ukraine’s hepatitis C epidemic
A combination of generic drugs coupled with a comprehensive patient support model has shown promising results in a pilot project run by MSF in Ukraine. When scaled up, it can substantially accelerate hepatitis C treatment in a country where over five per cent of the population – or at least two million people – are estimated to be infected by the hepatitis C virus.

MSF’s hepatitis C project in Uttar Pradesh: One year, 1,198 patients
In January 2017, MSF, in collaboration with the National Health Mission in Uttar Pradesh, started a pilot hepatitis project in Meerut city. Uttar Pradesh is one of the largest Indian states and has an estimated population of more than 200 million people.

Uttar Pradesh: "Hepatitis C is more than a disease"
Sevantee Ghosh, a medical doctor from Kolkata, has been working with MSF’s hepatitis C project in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, since January 2017. In this piece, she looks back on a year of treating hepatitis C.