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Job Vacancy: Project Cordinator for Overseas Projects

MSF Project Cordinators work as part of the management team and are based in the field projects, leading and managing project activities and teams.

Interested candidates are encouraged to read the detailed job description before submitting their application.

View the complete job description

Embark on a journey of incridible personal and professional growth. Join those working with Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) in India in providing professional medical services to people in crisis around the globe. MSF currently provides medical assistance in more than 70 countries, in emergency situations caused by armed conflict, epidemics and disasters.

Due to the changing nature of humanitarian challenges, MSF also works increasingly with people living in situations of chronic proverty and ongoing exclusion from basic medical care. These medium and longer-term projects now comprise the majority of MSF missions.

Annually, around 3,000 international volunteers join local MSF staff helping populations in danger. They bring motivation, professional abilities and practical experience to projects in more than 70 countries. 


No. of international volunteers who join MSF annually


No. of countries MSF has projects in

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