

Tag: Yemen

Yemen: “We have a lot of people that die quickly” of COVID-19 in Yemen

A car drove up to the low, white building that is the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) COVID-19 treatment centre in Aden, southwestern Yemen. In it was a man aged around 60 who was coughing and struggling for breath. He managed...

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Yemen: Catastrophe unfolding in Aden’s only COVID-19 treatment centre

The number of deaths occurring in the COVID-19 treatment centre that MSF runs in Aden, Yemen, speaks to a wider catastrophe unfolding in the city. The UN and donor states need to do more urgently to help the response. The centre that MSF runs...

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Yemen: Authorities must do all they can to facilitate COVID-19 response

After the first case of coronavirus disease COVID-19 was confirmed in Yemen today, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are calling for the authorities in Yemen to urgently allow the entrance of supplies and humanitarian staff to the country in order to facilitate a...

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Yemen: MSF hospital partially destroyed in Mocha attack

SANA’A – On Wednesday evening, an aerial attack in Mocha, southwestern Yemen, partially destroyed a hospital run by Médecins Sans Frontières, when the aerial attack hit the surrounding buildings, including a military warehouse. At the time of the attack, around 30 patients...

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Yemen: No true accountability three years after bombing of MSF-supported hospital

The newly-released findings of the Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) – the UK and USA-supported body appointed by the Saudi and Emirati-led Coalition (SELC) to investigate incidents in Yemen – have once again failed to provide true accountability for the...

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Yemen: MSF admits 51 wounded casualties within a few hours amid chaos in Aden

Wednesday 28 August saw heavy fighting in Aden between various armed groups, principally forces loyal to President Hadi opposing the southern separatist movement. In the space of a few hours, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières’ teams admitted 51 wounded casualties....

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Yemen: The indirect consequences of war for people in the country

Far from the bullets and bombs on the frontlines in Yemen, and in places like Ibb which are relatively calm, our staff witness the indirect consequences of the war on ordinary Yemenis. The collapse of the economy and the country's health...

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An Indian doctor reflects on a year spent in Yemen

Nishith Kumar, a medical doctor from Bihar, recently returned from Yemen, a country ravaged by two and a half years of war. In this interview, he explains the impact it has had on patients, and how MSF teams dealt with...

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