World Tuberculosis Day


Tag: World Tuberculosis Day

MSF calls for sustained investments to fight against tuberculosis in children

Ahead of World TB Day, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) calls on all countries and international donors to prioritise and ensure sustained investments for diagnosing, treating, and preventing tuberculosis (TB) for all - especially children, who remain the most...

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Tajikistan: The road to recovery – MSF’s holistic approach to TB care

Addressing TB involves more than just medication; it starts with conversations. Many people hesitate to begin treatment due to fear or stigma, requiring encouragement from doctors and nurses. Treating tuberculosis (TB) often starts with more than taking pills — it...

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Tuberculosis: Increased diagnostic testing for drug resistance will enhance patients’ treatment outcome

Islamabad: On World Tuberculosis Day, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) encourages medical service providers and practitioners in Pakistan to enhance drug resistant tuberculosis (DRTB) diagnosis by increasing the use of GeneXpert diagnostic testing among suspect tuberculosis (TB) cases. Additionally,...

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