

Tag: Ukraine

Ukraine: How MSF is trying to access areas most affected by fighting

While the number of deaths and injuries rises in Ukraine and hundreds of thousands of people seek refuge in neighbouring countries, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is working to get staff and equipment into areas most affected by the Russian...

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Ukraine: Fighting tuberculosis with medication, mental health and social support

In Zhytomyr, Ukraine, our teams works with the Regional TB Dispensary to treat patients who have drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (DR-TB). They are treated with a short course of DR-TB medication and the possibility of being treated at home most of the...

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Ukraine: Effective drugs and patient support to combat Ukraine’s hepatitis C epidemic

A combination of generic drugs coupled with a comprehensive patient support model has shown promising results in a pilot project run by Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Ukraine. When scaled up, it can substantially accelerate hepatitis C treatment in a country...

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