Refugee camps


Tag: Refugee camps

Humanitarian corridors to evacuate migrants out of Libya needed

In June 2022, Médecins Sans Frontières called on European and North American governments, among others, to urgently offer protection to migrants trapped in Libya by strengthening existing exit mechanisms (via the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees – UNHCR...

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Need knows no difference between refugees and Sudanese host communities: This is Um Rakuba

Imagine the scene: a busy refugee camp in El Gedaref state, on the edge of eastern Sudan, close to the Ethiopian border. This is Um Rakuba, where people in desperate need of medical care wait patiently for their turn at...

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Sudan: As fighting escalates around El Fasher, major malnutrition crisis persists in Zamzam camp

In response to the escalating fighting in North Darfur, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has treated over 100 war wounded patients – including 11 children, many with gunshot wounds – at South Hospital, El Fasher, over the past two weeks, but...

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From Clinics to Sludge: The many facets of MSF

When people think of Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF), images of medical teams providing life-saving care often come to mind. However, MSF's impact extends well beyond medical aid, with significant efforts in areas that are not just...

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Chad: Alarming water crisis in Adré puts refugees’ lives at risk

Access to safe drinking water in the camps at Adré, a border town in eastern Chad, remains far below acceptable standards, posing a grave threat to the health and wellbeing of around 200,000 Sudanese refugees. According to UNHCR estimates, average...

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MSF calls for urgent international help for Sudanese refugees in Chad as major crisis looms

As people continue to flee the conflict in Sudan, more than 358,000 refugees have arrived at the border town Adré, in eastern Chad. Refugee camps are being built, but the shelter and basic facilities available in the camps are wholly...

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Sudan: Fleeing conflict, hundreds of thousands face hardship and disease in overcrowded camps in White Nile State

26 July, 2023 - More than 140,000 people, mostly South Sudanese women and children fleeing from Khartoum, have newly arrived in White Nile state since conflict broke out in Sudan and are now facing huge unmet needs for food, shelter,...

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“The horrifying scenes in Khartoum will forever haunt me”: Refugees’ Journey from Khartoum to the Camps in East Sudan

Since 15 April, different states in Sudan have been impacted by the fighting, the scale of violence, and limited access to healthcare and essential resources. This has drastically affected the lives of millions of people, leading to displacement and an...

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CAR: MSF vaccinates thousands of children after arrival of refugees from Sudan

This vaccination campaign against measles and other diseases is part of the emergency response launched by the medical organization in the town of Birao, in northern Central African Republic, where refugees from Sudan have been relocated.  A Sudanese girl is...

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Bangladesh: MSF calls for an urgent and comprehensive response to the scabies outbreak in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps

Cox’s Bazar, 12 July, Wednesday - An outbreak of scabies, the skin disease, is affecting hundreds of thousands of Rohingya living in refugee camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar district, demanding an urgent response, says international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors...

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Sudan: child refugees in Chad, the direct victims of the conflict

Sudanese refugees continue to flood into Chad following the conflict that rages in their country, particularly in West Darfur. Among them are infants, children and adolescents who are vulnerable and, in some cases, severely injured. The pediatric ward at the...

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South Sudan: A crisis within a crisis as people fleeing conflict in Sudan struggle for survival

Juba, 22 June 2023 – Thousands of people who escaped the conflict in Sudan by crossing into South Sudan are now struggling for survival at transit centres in Upper Nile and Northern Bahr El Ghazal states, says international medical organisation...

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