Myanmar on the brink: A population in desperate need
August 19, 2024Shinjiro Murata, General Director, MSF Japan Across Myanmar, 18.6 million people are struggling to meet their basic needs—including access to medical care. The humanitarian situation in Myanmar is rapidly deteriorating, and yet the international community is crippled by inaction, their...
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Myanmar: MSF teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state
July 18, 2024This June 2024, Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was forced to indefinitely suspend its medical humanitarian activities in northern Rakhine following the extreme escalation of conflict and burning down of MSF’s office in Buthidaung Township. While in...
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Cyclone Mocha: aid efforts severely hampered by new restrictions
July 27, 2023About 85 per cent of my camp is in ruins after Cyclone Mocha wreaked havoc here. All hut-like houses are destroyed. People who live in houses like these are in dire need of emergency aid since they have no place...
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