Pakistan: After 12 years of support, MSF hands last hospital activities over in Timergara
February 8, 2021Timergara is in the region of Lower Dir in Pakistan, close to the Afghan border and on the banks of the Panjkora River. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been working here for over 12 years, and at the end...
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Pakistan: Witnessing poor mother and child healthcare in Balochistan
June 6, 2019In Pakistan, thousands of women and infants die each year from medical conditions that are easily preventable. In the southwest province of Balochistan, which has some of the worst health statistics in the world, the situation is particularly dire. Médecins...
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Pakistan: Closure of MSF project in northwest will leave thousands without healthcare
November 10, 2017Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been told by the Pakistani authorities to close its medical activities in Bajaur Agency in north-western Pakistan. The closure will leave thousands of people in Bajaur Agency without vital healthcare, and comes just seven...
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Pakistan: MSF asked to close its medical activities in Kurram Agency, north-west Pakistan
September 15, 2017After 14 years of presence in Kurram district, in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is withdrawing from the area. The authorities have refused to issue a no objection certificate (NoC), without providing any...
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Pakistan: “I suddenly found myself treating my own premature triplets”
July 31, 2017Name : Designation : Dr Tufail Ahmad is a Pakistani doctor working at MSF’s nutrition programme at the District Headquarter Hospital in Dera Murad Jamali, Eastern Baluchistan, Pakistan. Tufail Ahmad is examining a severely malnourished child admitted in Inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Centre (ITFC)...
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“When they are diagnosed with HepC, patients think they will die”
March 10, 2016Name : Designation : Dr Muhammad Khawar Aslam, medical doctor for Médecins Sans Frontières in Karachi. Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) started its programme focusing on Hepatitis C in Karachi in April 2015. Pakistan has the second...
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Pakistan: six months at Peshawar’s neonatal unit
February 12, 2015Name : Designation : From July to December 2014, Dr Yasmine Ley headed up the neonatal unit at MSF’s obstetrics and gynaecology hospital in Peshawar, northern Pakistan. A look back at her six-month mission. “Her father hadn’t whispered Allah’s name...
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For women in Pakistan to deliver a baby is a battle between life and death
June 24, 2014Interview With Cecilio Tan, Medical Coordinator of MSF in Pakistan One woman dies nearly every hour in Pakistan from complications of giving birth. The maternal mortality rate is even higher in Balochistan than the rest of the country. The largest...
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