

Tag: Gaza

Palestine: Trauma continues long after the bombing stops in Gaza

Between 10 and 21 May, Israeli airstrikes and shelling killed more than 250 people and left close to 2,000 injured in the coastal enclave of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. In the space of just 11 days, many Gazans saw their homes and their...

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Palestine: “Night and day, what we are living through is terrifying”

The fighting between the Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups, principally Hamas, broke out once again after weeks of tensions in occupied East Jerusalem, which has been illegally annexed by Israel.  Aymen Al-Djaroucha is a Palestinian who has lived in Gaza...

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Palestine: MSF urges Israel to stop attacks on Gaza as trauma clinic is damaged in shelling

On Sunday 16 May, Israeli airstrikes in the area of the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinic in Gaza city, Palestine, killed at least 42 people, including 10 children, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. The bombing in...

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Palestine: Like a virus, violence spreads in the West Bank amid COVID-19

A full lockdown has been in place in the West Bank for more than three weeks, with over 300 people confirmed to have COVID-19 in Palestine. The harshness of these security measures, intended to prevent the virus from spreading further, is impacting the...

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Antibiotic Resistance: Treating resistant infections in Gaza under the blockade

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is dealing with immense challenges while treating many people who have developed bone infections after having been shot by the Israeli army during protests in Gaza, Palestine over the last year. These infections are adding to the already...

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