Doctors Without Borders


Tag: Doctors Without Borders

“We came to Sudan seeking safety, but now we are trapped in another conflict that makes it even harder to cope and survive.”

"We came to Sudan seeking safety, but now we are trapped in another conflict that makes it even harder to cope and survive.”- Refugees in Um Rakuba camp. Fighting erupted in Sudan on April 15, affecting Khartoum and other states...

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DRC: MSF treating alarming numbers of victims of sexual violence in displacement camps around Goma

In just two weeks, more than 670 victims of sexual violence have been treated by Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) teams in camps for displaced people around Goma, the provincial capital of North Kivu, representing 48 new victims per...

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Haiti: MSF mobile clinics in Port-au-Prince treat people stranded by violence

Diana Manilla (MSF Project Coordinator) briefs the team before starting the mobile clinic activities at the MSF office. ©Alexandre Marcou Vulnerable people in Haiti’s capital of Port-au-Prince are caught in a spiral of ongoing violence and insecurity, living under the...

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Djibo: Life Under Blockade

Burkina Faso is experiencing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that has seen 1.99 million internally displaced people flee violence perpetrated by jihadist groups (OCHA, 31 March 2023). The northern town of Djibo has now been under blockade by non-state armed groups...

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Vaccination campaign for Sudanese refugees in Koufroun, Chad

Since the resumption of the conflict in Sudan, around 30,000 people have fled to Chad according to the UNHCR. Médecins Sans Frontières is carrying out a vaccination campaign to protect children against measles in temporary camps set up at the...

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Migrant workers in Lebanon: healthcare under the Kafala system

In 2020, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) opened a clinic in Beirut providing migrant domestic workers with free-of-charge health consultations and specialist mental health support. Three years later, MSF teams continue to see the impact of the Kafala system...

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#StepUpforTB: At first global ministerial meeting on TB, MSF and Stop TB Partnership give governments deadline to dramatically increase access to testing and treatment

Moscow/Geneva, 15 November 2017 — Ahead of the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on ‘Ending TB’ in Moscow, the international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the Stop TB Partnership called for countries with high burdens of tuberculosis...

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