Tuberculosis: Policies should ‘help facilitate access to life saving treatment not create barriers.’
August 20, 2020Stobdan Kalon is a medical doctor working with Medecins Sans Frontieres/Doctors Without Borders (MSF). His experience spans from managing infectious diseases, interventions in Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis (DR-TB), hepatitis and HIV. As a doctor, I am elated that the World Health Organization...
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MSF and TB activists disrupt opening of TB conference to protest drug corporations keeping life-saving medicines from people
October 30, 2019Newer medicines for DR-TB are desperately needed, but barriers to access, including high prices, keep them out of reach for most people around the world. Hyderabad, 30 October – Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) joined tuberculosis (TB) activists to disrupt...
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