MSF South Asia Health and Humanity Summit: Partnering to build better responses during emergencies
August 17, 202317 August 2023, New Delhi: Setting the agenda for a paradigm shift in health and humanitarian considerations during emergencies, especially in South and Southeast Asia, over 15 practitioners, thought leaders, artists, and over 300 attendees from the social impact space...
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MSF to governments negotiating at WTO: get it right and adopt the real TRIPS Waiver
June 7, 2022To effectively increase people’s access to all COVID medical tools, governments must return to TRIPS Waiver proposed over 20 months ago At the World Trade Organization (WTO) General Council Meeting (7 June) and the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (12 –...
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COVID-19: MSF urges governments to reject the draft COVID-19 text at WTO that would set a negative precedent
April 4, 2022Draft text is NOT the intellectual property Waiver for COVID-19 medical tools people need Geneva – Almost one and a half years since India and South Africa first proposed a landmark intellectual property (IP) Waiver for COVID-19 medical tools at the World Trade...
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Manipur: MSF’s COVID-19 emergency response in Imphal
March 15, 2022The second wave of COVID-19 hit India at the end of March 2021. In April, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) sent doctors and nurses to work in Mumbai’s Jumbo Hospital that had a capacity for 2,000 patients. Teams also...
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COVID-19: Vaccinating people with comorbidities in South Africa
February 17, 2022CAPE TOWN: A vaccination support programme developed by MSF in Khayelitsha, South Africa, in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Health (WCDoH), has shown that it is possible to target and protect individuals with comorbidities that increase the risk of...
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MSF responds to latest WHO recommendation for a COVID-19 therapeutic, baricitinib
January 14, 2022Geneva: With the World Health Organization (WHO) recommending baricitinib for the treatment of people with severe or critical COVID-19, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on governments to take immediate steps to ensure that patent monopolies do not stand in...
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Myanmar: Responding to COVID-19 during political crisis
December 31, 2021Political turmoil and the arrival of COVID-19 has left Myanmar's healthcare system shattered. With 2021 coming to an end, our team on the ground look back at our COVID-19 response, reflecting on what we can be proud of and what...
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Responding to COVID-19: Global Accountability Report 5 – May to September 2021
December 9, 2021This report is the fifth of the accountability reports MSF is producing on our COVID-19 response. You can also read the first report, covering the period March - May 2020, the second report, covering the period June - August 2020, the third report covering...
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COVID-19: In an unequal world, our response to COVID-19 cannot be one size-fits-all
December 4, 2021Dr Isabelle Defourny, MSF director of operations This opinion piece was first published in English in Al Jazeera and in French by Le Monde. Today we can say that we are entering into a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with many of the countries that...
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Manipur: MSF’s COVID-19 emergency response in Imphal old
November 1, 2021The second wave of COVID-19 hit India at the end of March 2021. In April, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) sent doctors and nurses to work in Mumbai’s Jumbo Hospital that had a capacity for 2,000 patients. Teams also...
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Countries must not let another opportunity slip by to advance the global waiver on overcoming COVID-19 medical-tool monopolies
September 13, 2021Geneva – As countries reconvene tomorrow for another round of discussions on the “TRIPS Waiver” proposal at the World Trade Organization (WTO), after a gap of over two months, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the European Union (EU),...
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Yemen: Treating COVID-19 amongst fear, stigma and misinformation
August 11, 2021One year into the COVID-19 pandemic in Yemen; stigma, disinformation, fear of detention and lack of knowledge on the presence of isolation centres continue to deter people from seeking timely treatment for the disease. “Some patients stay at home for a...
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