“Violence, desperation and abandonment on the migration route”: MSF presents its migration report in Mexico and Central America
May 27, 2024Migrants crossing through Mexico and Central America are in an unprecedented state of vulnerability. From the diverse areas of work from Doctors Without Borders (MSF) – medic, mental health, social work, and health promotion – we have been able to...
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Emergency healthcare and protection needed as more people cross to Panama
May 20, 2022Conditions are deteriorating for migrants arriving at reception centres in the province of Darién, Panama. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides medical and mental healthcare at the San Vicente Migrant Reception Centre, where approximately 300 migrants arrive each day, and we have witnessed huge...
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USA: MSF demands US ends deportations to stop COVID-19 spread to fragile health systems
May 4, 2020MEXICO CITY/NEW YORK – The United States government must suspend all deportations to Latin America and the Caribbean, a process that is moving people from the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States to lower transmission countries and which will exacerbate a...
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Escaping violence into danger – no way out for Central American migrants
February 11, 2020MEXICO CITY/NEW YORK – New migration policies imposed by the United States and Mexico are trapping many Central Americans in dangerous conditions, with severe consequences for their physical and mental health, said Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in a new report. The report, No Way Out, is...
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Central American Migration: More people kidnapped, abused on migration route in southern Mexico
October 30, 2019MEXICO CITY —Teams working in Tenosique, Mexico for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are reporting an increase in kidnappings and an escalation of violence faced by migrants and refugees on Mexico’s southern border. In testimonies collected in recent weeks by MSF staff...
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Central American Migration: US migration policy endangers lives of asylum seekers in Tamaulipas state
September 6, 2019MEXICO CITY: The lives of asylum seekers are being put in danger in Tamaulipas state, in northeastern Mexico, by the US government’s Migration Protection Protocol (MPP) and the Mexican government’s lack of humanitarian assistance, warns Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)....
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