Access to Medicines


Tag: Access to Medicines

Tuberculosis: TB activists challenge Johnson & Johnson patent application on bedaquiline in India

Mumbai/Cape Town - Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is supporting a patent challenge filed in India this week by two tuberculosis survivors, to prevent pharmaceutical corporation Johnson & Johnson (J&J) from extending its monopoly on the tuberculosis drug bedaquiline....

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Access to medicines

Unaffordable, unavailable, not adapted - people around the world face these challenges in accessing lifesaving medicines. During the 1990s, MSF teams made a bitter observation: we were failing to treat some of our patients suffering from infectious diseases, while in...

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Access Campaign

MSF in India: Projects in IndiaAccess campaign Connect with us MSF strengthening commitment to access to products for healthcare New structure will continue vital work to improve access to products for healthcare for people who need them most.Driven by a...

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ASEAN and India urged not to trade away people’s lives in trade agreement

RCEP trade deal could cut medicines lifeline for people in developing countries Bangkok/Geneva - As the sixteen countries negotiating Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement meet in Bangkok this week for another round of closed-door negotiations, public health experts and...

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Vaccines: Blueprint ignores high prices and lacks ambition

Governments meeting at the World Health Organization’s Executive Board (WHO EB) this week must seize the opportunity to improve serious shortcomings in the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ blueprint that will drive the global community’s vaccines response in the next few years. ...

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