Essential healthcare in remote areas of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Telangana

©Sami Siva

What We Do

MSF conducts mobile clinics to take basic healthcare to people living in remote villages, who find it extremely difficult to access medical care. Our teams provide free treatment for malaria, respiratory infections, pneumonia and skin diseases among others. The clinics also offer a separate area for women to address needs in reproductive health, where group and individual sessions are conducted on topics such as hygiene, care of newborns, and sexually transmitted infections.

Due to a longstanding, low-intensity conflict, large sections of the population of Chhattisgarh have extremely limited or no access to healthcare, especially in remote areas of the states. Medical facilities are few and far between, and in such a scenario even preventable, treatable conditions such as malaria can become fatal.

In 2023

MSF lost access to one of its clinic sites in Adepalli due to external issues. Overall, in 2023, the team faced a couple of outbreaks, such as infectious eye diseases and mumps, which required support from the team in contact tracing and treating the cases. Our community activity has expanded due to an increase of community health workers for our Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) component.

OPD consultations
patients treated for malaria
antenatal care consultations
mobile clinics conducted
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