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A patient at Lizo Nobanda TB Care Center in Khayelitsha township takes her pills. South Africa 2011 © Jose Cendon

US Pressure on India Threatens Access to Medicines

NEW DELHI/NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 25, 2013—On the eve of a meeting between US president Barack Obama and Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh at the White House, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans


Uzbekistan: A Mother With MDR-TB

Name : Designation : She had all but given up, thinking her TB was going to end her life. Her coffin had already been built. But then Rohatay Abdullaeva, a former nurse living in northwest


India: Fighting Kala Azar in Bihar

Name : Designation : Visceral leishmaniasis is known worldwide as kala azar. Since 2007 MSF is implementing a kala azar diagnostic and treatment project in Bihar state, northern India. India 2011 © Anna Surinyach /


Syria: Lift the humanitarian blockade

Source: This article originally appeared in Le Monde. Most diplomatic discussion on Syria has focused on the recent chemical weapons attack in al Ghouta, eastern Damascus. Meanwhile, the residents of this area continue to face daily


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