How to watch a session as an Attendee?
- Register to join MSF Scientific Days – Asia 2020 at
- Once you login, click on the AGENDA tab.
- In AGENDA tab, a complete day-wise event agenda will be displayed along with details of each session such as topic, speakers, host & other relevant details.
- Once a session starts on its schedule time, click on the JOIN SESSION button.

- Once the session starts, click on the ‘Tap to unmute’ button to ensure that you are able to hear the audio.

- Please note that you need to stay on the session page to view the presentation. If you leave the session page, you will need to ‘Join Session’ again to watch the presentation.
- We recommend that you have a stable internet connectivity for a seamless experience
- We highly recommend that you open the Hubilo platform on Google Chrome for a seamless viewing experience.
General Questions
MSF Scientific Days – Asia is a conference to showcase research, innovation, and experiences from treatment and humanitarian programmes across the continent. MSF Scientific Days bring together researchers, practitioners and academics to catalyse improvements in the quality of care provided to patients and populations at risk.
By supporting research and innovation in our projects, MSF aims to improve outcomes, find efficiencies and create a culture of best practice, constantly improving the standards of care provided to our patients.
MSF Scientific Days – Asia caters to a multidisciplinary audience. The event has a mix of both MSF and non-MSF audiences.
The audiences comprise of medical specialists, students, researchers from universities and research/clinical institutions, medical/social/health journalists, NGOs, international organisations, and members from ministries, government bodies and civil society.
MSF Scientific Days – Asia 2021 is happening virtually on 25th & 26th August 2021.
In addition to being a platform which brings together a range of experts to showcase their research, innovation, and experiences from treatment and humanitarian programmes across the continent, MSF Scientific Days – Asia also provides you an opportunity to:
- Connect with people who are passionate about health and humanitarian medicine
- Learn about new research that can help save lives better
- Engage on ways to improve quality of care for the most vulnerable populations
- Get inspired by innovations and experiences across Asia
- Meet our humanitarian workers and hear their first-hand experiences from the field
MSF Scientific Days – Asia is two day-long event which is divided into sessions based on selected themes for the day. Under each theme, discussions take place on the research presented.
Additionally, MSF Scientific Days has key note sessions to stimulate ideas around existing humanitarian concerns.
14:00 – 1800 hrs IST on both the days.
We encourage you to attend the entire event. Discussions take place throughout the day, and as an attendee, you will get an opportunity to interact with presenters are regular intervals.
However, if you wish to attend a specific session you are welcome to do so. You will still be required to register for the event. We do not provide registration on the basis of sessions.
Event details, including the agenda is shared on the website as soon as it is finalised. You are encouraged to go through the agenda before attending the event.
The event provides ample opportunities during the event to interact with the presenters and other participants. We encourage you to build networks with other participants and use the platform for sharing of information.
Registration 101
To attend MSF Scientific Days Asia 2021, you can register online here –
We highly encourage you to register online in advance to secure your spot in the audience as there are a limited number of seats.
Registration to attend MSF Scientific Days Asia 2020 is now open. You can register online here –
There is no admission fee or registration fee. Attending the conference is free of cost.
Once you register, you can directly login into the MSF Scientific Days – Asis 2021 platform.
Your email address and personal data provided during the registration process are kept confidential and not used for other purposes apart from sending you the updates and information about the Scientific Days and related events
Speaking & Collaboration Opportunities
No. Abstract submission is now closed.
For enquires about this, please contact