Media Partner
Healthcare Executive is an online healthcare business magazine aimed at delivering innovative and contemporary knowledge resources, global trends and content to the healthcare business leaders of tomorrow in tune with the pulse of the medical industry. A subsidiary of HOSMAC – Asia’s largest hospital consultancy and management firm. Healthcare executive is a business-to-business magazine created to catalyze decision making in a robustly developing and evolving healthcare sector. ( )
F1000Research is an Open Science publishing platform for life scientists, offering immediate open access publication of posters, slides and articles. Articles are openly peer-reviewed by invited referees post-publication and indexed in PubMed once approved by the referees. F1000Research accepts all scientifically sound articles, and requires the inclusion of all source data. Posters and slides are fully citable and shared at no cost to readers or authors. ( )
BMJ started out over 170 years ago as a medical journal, publishing our first research paper. Now, as a global brand with a worldwide audience, we help medical organisations and clinicians tackle today’s most critical healthcare challenges. Today, our expertise extends to medical education, clinical decision support and quality improvement to enhance day to day decision-making and healthcare delivery. ( )
The Lancet Global Health is the first online-only, open access journal in The Lancet’s growing stable of monthly speciality journals. Building on the foundation of The Lancet as a champion of global health research this monthly online journal publishes high-quality original research, commentary, correspondence, and blogs on all aspects of global health. They believe that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of health and that care should be equitable and just. ( )