Mahima Jain
MSF Media Fellow 2019-20
Mahima Jain is an independent editor and journalist reporting on gender, environment and socio-economic issues for several global and Indian publications. She writes deeply-researched narrative features that focus on systemic issues and inequality.
In 2021, she was a runner-up for the Thomson Foundation Young Journalist Award 2021, was awarded the UNFPA Laadli Media Award For Best Web Feature, and also shortlisted for the Red Ink Awards for Excellence in Journalism (Women Empowerment & Gender Equality). Her work has been supported by several grants and fellowships, including those from the International Women’s Media Foundation and Earth Journalism Network.
As the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) Media Fellow, she wrote a narrative long-form piece on domestic violence as a public health crisis. You can read the story below and explore her other work here: https://mahimajain.in/

The Silent Pandemic Of Violence Against India’s Women
Article-14.com The death of a 22-year-old in Kerala after spousal abuse reveals how domestic violence—99% of cases which go unreported and reached unprecedented levels during the pandemic—is ignored. India’s focus on violence against women is almost exclusively on more publicised crimes, such as rape. Trigger Warning: Marital rape, suicide, violence, sexual abuse

The “shadow pandemic” of domestic violence
The BMJ Covid restrictions have led to a notable increase in domestic violence worldwide. Mahima Jain reports on the situation in India